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Shamanic Drumming

Shamanic Drumming and Humming Meditation

Shamanic drumming and super low humming meditation are two distinct practices often used in spiritual and meditative contexts, each with unique benefits and techniques.

Shamanic Drumming


  • Purpose: Shamanic drumming is a technique used to induce a trance state, facilitating spiritual journeys, healing, and connection with the spirit world.
  • Instruments: Typically involves the use of a single-headed frame drum, played with a beater or by hand.
  • Rhythms: Often features repetitive, steady rhythms that can alter brain wave patterns to promote relaxation and heightened states of awareness.


  • Mental Clarity: Helps clear the mind and improve focus.
  • Emotional Healing: Assists in releasing emotional blockages and processing trauma.
  • Spiritual Connection: Enhances spiritual awareness and connection with inner guidance or spirit guides.
  • Physical Relaxation: Promotes relaxation and can reduce stress and anxiety.


  • Journeying: Practitioners use drumming to enter a trance state and embark on a spiritual journey, often seeking guidance or healing.
  • Healing Circles: Drumming is used in group settings for communal healing and energy work.
  • Ceremonial Use: Incorporated into various shamanic rituals and ceremonies to invoke spirits or perform rites of passage.

Super Low Humming Meditation


  • Purpose: Super low humming meditation involves producing deep, resonant hums, often in a specific pitch or frequency, to promote relaxation, healing, and mindfulness.
  • Sound: The vibrations from the hum are believed to have a therapeutic effect on the body and mind.


  • Calming Effect: The low-frequency hum can induce a state of calm and reduce anxiety.
  • Resonance Healing: The vibrations can stimulate various parts of the body, potentially aiding in healing and balancing energy.
  • Breath Control: Enhances breath awareness and control, which can improve overall respiratory health.
  • Mindfulness: Encourages a deep focus on the present moment, fostering mindfulness and inner peace.


  • Humming Practice: Sit comfortably, take deep breaths, and produce a low hum on the exhale. Focus on the sensation of the vibration in your body.
  • Chakra Toning: Use different pitches of humming to resonate with and balance specific chakras.
  • Group Humming: Practice in a group to amplify the effects and create a powerful communal energy.

Combining the Practices

Combining shamanic drumming with super low humming meditation can enhance the benefits of both practices. The rhythmic drumming can help induce a meditative state, while the low humming can deepen the relaxation and healing effects. Here’s a simple way to combine them:

  1. Preparation:
    • Find a quiet, comfortable space.
    • Gather your drum and prepare for the session.
  2. Drumming:
    • Start with a steady, repetitive drumming pattern. Focus on the rhythm and let it guide you into a relaxed state.
  3. Humming:
    • After a few minutes of drumming, begin to add a low hum on your exhale.
    • Synchronize the hum with the drumbeats, feeling the vibrations in your body.
  4. Integration:
    • Continue for 10-20 minutes, allowing the combined sound and rhythm to deepen your meditative state.
    • End the session slowly, gradually reducing the volume and intensity of both the drumming and humming.
  5. Reflection:
    • Sit quietly for a few minutes after you finish, reflecting on the sensations and experiences during the practice.

By integrating these two practices, you can create a powerful meditative experience that promotes deep relaxation, healing, and spiritual connection.


There are apps available that can support and guide you in practices like shamanic drumming and meditation with low humming. Here are a few options:

  1. Insight Timer: This app offers a wide variety of guided meditations, including some that incorporate shamanic drumming and sound healing techniques. You can search for specific meditation styles or teachers who specialize in these practices.
  2. Headspace: While primarily known for guided mindfulness meditations, Headspace occasionally features sessions that involve sound healing and specific meditation techniques that may include humming or chanting.
  3. Calm: Calm offers guided meditations for relaxation and mindfulness. While not specifically focused on shamanic drumming or humming, it provides a range of meditation styles that can complement these practices.
  4. Shamanic Drumming: Drum Journey (iOS): This app is specifically designed for shamanic journeying and includes various drumming tracks of different lengths and rhythms. It’s useful for those interested in traditional shamanic drumming practices.
  5. Chakra Meditation Balancing (Android): This app focuses on chakra meditation and includes specific meditation techniques that involve sound healing, including humming and toning exercises.

When using these apps, explore their libraries to find sessions that align with your interests in shamanic drumming and low humming meditation. They can provide structured guidance and support as you develop your practice.